Bangalore: A new software called SleepServer has been
developed by a team led by an Indian American scientist that will be
able to save energy in the PCs in offices.
Accessible via remote
connections, the sleep-working enterprise PCs maintain their presence on
voice over IP, instant messaging and peer-to-peer networks.
software reduces energy consumption by about 60 percent , according to a
new peer-reviewed study presented by University of California, San
Diego, computer scientists on June 24 at the 2010 USENIX Annual
Technical Conference in Boston.
Yuvraj Agarwal, the UC San Diego
Research Scientist in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
who developed SleepServer, said: "One of the big benefits of
SleepServer is configurable on-demand wakeup. SleepServer enables
enterprise PCs to remain asleep for long periods of time while still
maintaining the illusion of network connectivity and seamless
Attuned with existing networking infrastructure,
SleepServer works with Windows and different versions of Linux and a Mac
OSx version is being developed.
It makes lightweight virtual
images of sleeping PCs, which maintain connectivity and respond to
applications on behalf of the sleeping PCs.
"According to our
measurements, SleepServer provides $60 dollars of cost savings per PC on
average over an entire year. By deploying SleepServer across the CSE
Department, we expect to save approximately $60,000 dollars annually in
direct energy costs alone," said Rajesh Gupta, Professor and Chair of
the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the UC San Diego
Jacobs School of Engineering.
by RItz