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Advantages & Disadvantages of Solar Power Energy

  • Availability: The main feature of solar energy is it is available in abundance and throughout the day time. The area of availability is so huge that it can be tamed from anywhere and everywhere.
  • Cost: It is totally free and no one is going to charge you for using solar energy. So you can design all appliances in your home powered by solar energy, saving your hard earned money. In fact, if you do so, any government will appreciate it and fund you for your future projects.
  • Solar-furnace Pollution and Remains: All fuels which we currently use leave behind combustion products which pollute and cause harm to the environment. Example, whether it is coal or oil, it has combustion products (soot) and other gases which pollute the environment. When solar energy is tamed, there are actually no combustion happening, thus no pollution.
  • Price: Depending upon the market, oil prices may vary. But solar power generation and utility does not depend on market variations.
  • Machinery and Maintenance: There is no machinery involved in the generation of electricity and power. Thus there are fewer maintenance problems and breakdowns. No spare parts cost as in case of generators.
  • Remote Utility: The availability of solar power anywhere and everywhere makes it possible to generate electricity even in remote locations where power cables cannot reach or the amount of power available is inadequate. You can set up your own generating station and live comfortably.
  • Renewable: Unlike fossil fuels, the usage of solar power causes no depletion in its availability. It is totally renewable for all practical purposes.
  • No greenhouse gas emissions and this clean source of energy making it possible to claim as one of the energy sources for the future.
  • Noise and other hazards: The generation of power from solar energy is a quiet operation and does not require huge population to take care of it. There are no hazards to the environment and the people when solar energy is used.
  • Lesser running cost and zero health hazards.
  • Government Grants: Local Governments and NGO’s are granting funds for those who use and implement new solar powered domestic appliances. Some of the organizations offer financial help for the students to carry out research on usage and taming of solar power for the daily requirements.
Few Disadvantages :
  • People don’t encourage or come forward to use it as the initial installation cost is so high that it makes sense for them to use domestic power from the power plants.
  • The cost of the solar panels is too high and it occupies more space for generation of small amount of power, which typically can be interpreted as the power/space ratio being too high.
  • Solar house During night time, since there is no sun light, you have to rely upon the domestic power supply.
  • If you want to make use of the solar power during night time, then you have to use a separate storage device to store the solar energy.
  • The power generation will reduce depending upon the amount of sunlight.
  • Also if the climate is cloudy or rainy or during winter season, then one cannot produce power from solar energy.
  • The installation on the roofs of your house may not be suitable with the angle of incidence of the sun light, thus making it less suitable for power generation.
  • The power generated may not be sufficient enough to support your entire domestic needs. Also this form of energy is not suitable for industries as the power demand is too high.
  • Solar power generation will not be effective in cold countries which are in high northern and southern latitudes.
  • Technically, D.C power is produced by the solar cells. For using it, this has to be converted into A.C before using it.
Even though the solar energy has too many disadvantages, they are being overcome by many new ideas and technical developments. Thus it is very important to develop a system of power generation from sunlight and optimize it before it is too late to save our Planet Earth.

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Biogas Powered Passenger Train In Sweden

Following a European directive urging governments to promote biofuels and other renewable energy sources for transportation as replacements for petrol and diesel, Sweden has decided to take the bull by the horns.

Sweden has the world's first biogas powered train running of the 75 mile long coastal stretch between the cities of Linkoeping (South of Stockholm) and Vaestervik (Eastern Baltic). "Amanda" as the train has been named has been carrying passengers since the summer of 2005.

The biogas train is as environmentally friendly as trains can get. While electric trains are considered non-pollutant, they often draw their energy from unclean power sources.

And all of the current methods for generating electricity have their problems. Burning fossil fuels creates the majority of today's air pollution, which negatively affects air, water and land, which in turn affects our own health. Hydroelectricity, where large dams are used to create energy from water, destroys ecosystems and kills wildlife.

And generating power from the wind and sun only works when the sun is out or the wind is blowing, and wind turbines are often criticized for being ugly. So a renewable energy source which can also be stored relatively easily, like biogas, looks like the perfect solution.

Biogas is produced when organic materials decompose in the absence of oxygen - for example in landfill sites or anaerobic digesters. Fitted with two biogas bus engines, Amanda can carry up to 54 passengers at speeds of up to 80mph and has a range of almost 375 miles before refueling. The train is equipped with eleven canisters containing enough gas to run for 600 kilometers (375 miles) before needing a refill, and can reach a maximum speed of 130 kilometers (80 miles) per hour". Biogas is made up of shredded plant materials and animal waste, which are then mixed with water in a tank. Once the waste has decomposed, a gas is formed that can be stored and used as fuel. In addition to the environmental aspect, biogas has the added advantage that it can be produced locally and supply is not dependent on imports. Biogas produced in anaerobic digesters consists of methane (50%-80%), carbon dioxide (20%-50%), and trace levels of other gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen sulfide.

The biogas used by the train is produced locally at the Vaestervik sewage treatment plant. In Linkoeping another plant uses waste products from a local abattoir to produce further biogas. The fat, blood, unwanted organs, and guts of about 30 cows stewed for one month are all that is needed to produce sufficient biogas to power the train to the other end of the line.

The train was developed by Svensk Biogas. A standard 24m long diesel powered train was converted by replacing the diesel engines with two 210kW Volvo GH 10 B biogas bus engines and adding gas storage cylinders to hold the biogas fuel. Development of the biogas train cost the company over 1 million Euro.

Diesel powered trains are currently 20% cheaper to run than biogas trains however as oil prices increase the environmental benefits of the biogas train will be joined by economical befits.

Currently 25% of all energy use in Sweden is derived from biomass and the country intends to become carbon free by 2050. All the buses in Linkoeping are already powered by biogas.

Trains are a relatively efficient way to move goods and people around, but cheap oil has meant that people and companies prefer the flexibility of cars and trucks. In the near future, we certainly won't have much of a choice to start using them more as long distance travel by road becomes increasingly expensive. Having them run on biogas is just making a smart choice even smarter.

The country, home to nine million people, currently has 779 biogas buses and more than 4,500 cars that run on a mixture of petrol and either biogas or natural gas, according to the Swedish environment ministry.

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Global Warming Causes regarding Gas Emissions

See the most important facts of the UN Climate change Report 2007 at a glance.Over the Last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth's surface has risen a little less than 1* celsius (0.74 +- 0.18*C, or 1.3 +- 0.32* Fahrenheit).

As said, the major cause of global warming is the emission of green house gas like carbon dioxide, methane oxide etc into the atmosphere.
 The major source of carbon dioxide is the power plants. These power plants emit large amount of carbon dioxide produced from burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. about twenty percent of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere comes from burning of gasoline in the engines of the vehicles.

this is true for most of the developed countries. building, both commercial and residential represent a larger source of global warming pollution than cars & trucks.

Building of these structures require a lot of fule to be burnt which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Methane is more than 20 times as effectual as C02 at entrapping heat in the atmosphere. bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel manufacture.

when fields are flooded, anaerobic situation build up and the organic matter in the soil decays\, releasing methane to the atmosphere. the mail sources of nitrous oxide ninclude nylon and nitric acid production, car with catalytic converters, the use of fertilizers in agriculture ans the burning of organic matter.

Another Cause of global warming is deforestation that is caused by cutting and burning of forests for the purpose of residence and industrialization. 

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25 Things Must To Do in Houses, To Stop Global Warming Effects

1. Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)
2. Install a programmable thermostat(automatically controls the temperature of ACs)
3. Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner 
4. Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases 
5. Do not leave appliances on standby 
6. Defrost fridges and freezers regularly 
7. Get a home energy audit 
8. Cover your pots while cooking 
9. Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full 
10. Take a shower instead of a bath 
11. Use less hot water 
12. Use a clothesline instead of a dryer whenever possible 
13. Recycle your organic waste 
14. Reuse your shopping bag 
15. Reduce waste.
16. Plant a tree 
17. Buy locally grown and produced foods 
18. Buy organic foods as much as possible. Buy fresh foods instead of frozen 
19. Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible
20. Check your tires weekly to make sure they're properly inflated 
21. Encourage your school or business to reduce emissions 
22. Encourage the switch to renewable energy 
23. Protect and conserve forest worldwide 
24. Aware the society and people around you
25. Share this list. Send this page via e-mail to your friends!

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