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Help Stop Deforestation

Deforestation is an alarming way and a environmental threat, but it is not irreversible.  Most people are not aware of how many solutions possible out there. 
Deforestation is actually means the chopping-down of thousands of trees - the clearing of natural, ancient forests.So it is one of the most infamous human-generated environmental disasters.Hundreds of square miles of ancient forests are destroyed daily
  Why we need forests
  • All life on earth needs forests to be able to literally breath.
  • They generate a proportion of the world's oxygen along with the ocean.
  • In fact, although ocean plants generate more oxygen than trees - there is a direct relationship between forest depletion and ocean stability. 
  • Natural forests hold numerous micro-environments. Rain forests, such as the Amazon in Brazil, are home to some of earth's most precious natural resources such as millions of unique plant species.
  • Understanding the biological make-up of these plants could help cure many diseases. 
  • Natural forests also play host to the world's largest diversity of animal and insect life. Hundreds, if not thousands of these are becoming extinct yearly as more forest is destroyed.
So it is the first step anyone can take to getting our trees back and avoiding global catastrophe.That's why we have lots of things we can do to stop Deforestation.
  • Recycle paper
  • Write to your Congressman pressuring him/her to declare any local dry or rain forest as national preserves,
  • Stop destroying forest for the sake of commerce, including villages or businesses
  • For every tree that's destroyed, plant two more trees.
  • Promote public awareness:
  • Make and distribute posters and fliers
  • Organise programs at school or college level
  • Use energy-efficient stoves wherever wood burning stoves are being used
  • Promote Alternative agriculture
  • Non-timber forest products
  • Sustainable forestry
  • Ecotourism
  • Cut power consumption: use more efficient appliances, lighting
  • Plant fast-growing trees
  • Participate in tree planting campaigns

If u like my ideas or want to make some suggestions then reply me.

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