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Water Conservation

Water Conservation Showers Bathrooms Toilets

Concept Behind Water Conservation Shower Heads :
Water Saving Shower Heads are shower heads which are designed to decrease water usage.and by the use of them we can save more water.That's why Many hardware stores sell water saving shower heads at cheap prices.actually what is behind that concept so we discuss it down below.
  •  Simple way to save water is to increase the water pressure. The weaker the pressure, the more water is needed.
  • Water saving shower heads are designed to turn themselves on and off, encouraging people to use water to get wet, and to leave the water off while they lather up.
  • Some shower heads are on timers basis which turn the water off and leave it off after a set period of time such as five minutes.
  • While others may have light displays which indicate how much water is being used.
  • Programmable settings which can be used to adjust the rate and intensity of the water flow can also be included in water saving shower heads.
  • It Saves water - by up to 72%.
  • It also Reduces carbon emission.
How Can We Apply Water Conservation in Bathrooms and Toilets  :

For applying that concept in bathrooms and toilets we have to use some products or tools or some tips.Such as Shower Heads, Faucet Aerators, Toothbrushing, Shaving,  Drinking

It may be surprise you that toilet water accounts for 28-40% of water use in the average house. Saving this can be help in improvement your bathroom water conservation.for that we have to use that things
  1. Showerheads : As we describe it at upper head.Now you know what it is and  how it is work. actually they are  responsible for about 30% of home water use, and are a major component in bathroom water conservation.
  2. Decreasing shower length is another way to save water, as is showering in place of bathing in the tub. Filling a bathtub may take 2 ½ times as much water as is used in a 5-minute shower. 
  3. Some showerheads now featuring  “pause” mode, allowing you to turn off the water while you lather, or, if you shave in the shower, while you ply your razor.
  4. Faucet Aerators : These are little caps that screw onto the ends of sink faucets and restrict water flow. The combination of low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators can reduce water consumption up to 50% 
  5. Toothbrushing : By turning off the water after your toothbrush is wet, you save as many minutes of running water as you spend brushing your teeth, which can help with bathroom water conservation. You can fill a glass or paper cup for rinse water.
  6. Shaving : Placing a few inches of water in the basin provides a spot to rinse a razor several times without keeping the water running.
  7. Drinking Water  : Supplying small disposable paper cups in the bathroom makes more efficient use of water than sticking one’s head in the sink or drinking out of cupped hands held under the running faucet.


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