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Green Energy Technology And Advantages Of Wind Energy

When it comes to green energy, its a form of energy which is converted or made by green products...or like solar energy.Now we will discuss it by its factors.

When it comes to green technology,environmental Scientists are in their heyday in these times due to the fact that sustainable technologies such as wind power, solar power, geothermal power and other types have come a long way in development as far as energy output and accessibility.

Solar power is one such green technology environmental science has improved upon immensely. As far as photovoltaic cells ("solar panels") go, production methods, cheaper and more effective materials as well as energy output has greatly increased since its first huge wave of popularity happened decades ago.It would cost quite a few thousand dollars to be able to employ this technology back then, in order to create free electricity.

It's no longer so expensive to acquire solar panels, and a person can even make their own for even less.with the increase in energy output, you'd not need quite so many in order to put them to cost effective use, and depending on how big of a house you'd wish to supply self-made electricity to, any investment into solar power can pay for itself in little more than a year,

If you're interested in learning more about technology/environmental issues and other things related to alternative energy, then you've got to check out the EcoPlusHome project.

The EcoPlusHome is a prefabricated home powered by alternative energies like solar thermal, geothermal and photovoltaic. Bryan and his family will show the world that it is possible to live self sustained for a 12 month period by showcasing their journey living in the EcoPlusHome on their blog

Advantages Of Wind Energy

  • One of the most advantages of Wind Energy is that it is ample. Secondly, wind energy is renewable. Some other advantages of Wind Energy are that it is widely distributed, cheap, and also reducing toxic gas emissions. 
  • Wind Energy is also advantageous over traditional methods of creating energy, in the sense that it is getting cheaper and cheaper to produce wind energy.
  • Cost of producing wind energy has come down by at least eighty percent since the eighties. Along with economy, Wind Energy is also said to diminish the greenhouse effect. 
  • Wind energy generates no pollution. Wind Energy is also a more permanent type of energy. The wind will exist till the time the sun exists, which is roughly another four billion years. Theoretically, if all the wind power available to humankind is harnessed, there can be ten times of energy we use, readily available. 
  • One another advantage of wind energy that it is readily available around the globe, and therefore there would be no need of dependence for energy for any country. Wind energy may be the answer to the globe's question of energy in the face of the rising petroleum and gas prices.

  • However, there are some disadvantages for wind energy, which may put a dampener in its popularity. Though the costs of creating wind energy is going down, even today a large number of turbines have to be built to generate a proper amount of wind energy. Though wind power is non-polluting, the turbines may create a lot of noise, which indirectly contributes to noise pollution.
  • Wind can never be predicted.Even the most advanced machinery may come out a cropper while predicting weather and wind conditions. Since wind energy will require knowledge of the weather and wind conditions on long term basis, it may be a bit impractical. Therefore, in areas where a large amount of wind energy is needed, one cannot depend completely on wind. 
  • Many potential wind farms, places where wind energy can be produced on a large scale, are far away from places for which wind energy is best suited. Therefore, the economical nature of wind energy may take a beating in terms of costs of new substations and transmission lines. 
  • Wind Energy is non-dispatchable. This may also put a spanner in depending upon wind power as a primary energy supplier. Wind energy depends upon the wind in an area and therefore is a variable source of energy. The amount of wind supplied to a place and the amount of energy produced from it will depend on various factors like wind speeds and the turbine characteristics. Some critics also wonder whether wind energy can be used in areas of high demand. 

so if you have any suggestion then post us.

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