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Celebrate Earth Day with Some Resolution to Save Earth

Resolution for Earth Day :
  • Stop using disposable bags.
  • Stop using disposable soda & water bottles
  • Be realistic! I’m sure many of us would love to do the overhaul on our homes and apartments to be 100% self-reliant and GREEN! But let’s be serious, it just isn’t going to happen in one day. Instead, keep your goals small and doable. This way you wont feel overwhelmed and give up! 
  • Educate! There are tons and tons of resources out there to help you and your family stay green for cheap! Check out some books at the library or ask your friends! Internet searches bring up countless tools to help your family find the right path to going green. 
  • Keep Trying! Making changes to your daily life take time to get use to. I’ve heard that it can take several weeks for a habit to be truly ingrained into a person’s mind. So, be patient with yourself! Give yourself room to learn and grow as you try to make your life a little more green! 
  • Celebrate! When things really do take hold in your life, I bet you wont even notice right away. It will become just a habit to grab those cloth bags before you go to the grocery store. When you do look back and realize the little changes you’re making for the world in your life, dont forget to celebrate! A pat on the back, a green picnic in the park with the family, whatever you want to do to really enjoy your hard work and the green earth! 
  • Share with friends! Finally, share your successes with your friends and spread your green knowledge around you!
  • Turn off the lights when not in use!
    Its the easiest thing! We’re already well on our way! 
  • Turn off the faucets while shaving/brushing teeth
    Another easy one that I’ve never even thought of! How much water have I wasted in my life just by letting the facet run?!
  • Only use reusable shopping bags.
    This one will take some practice, but we have our cloth bags right by the front door so theyre hard to forget! We also have some in bags/purses that we carry often and a couple in the car so we are never without them! There’s really just no more excuses to not make this work!
  • Recycle our old electronics
    This one is a little harder because we need to find the correct places to recycle them! But a quick google search has already helped a lot! 
  • Substitute a homemade version of something that you always buy.
  • Unplug the dryer and hang your clothes to dry.
  • Plan a screen-free day meaning no TV, no computer, no handheld electronic games. 
Here is a chance to unite the world in a common cause that will benefit can suggest more ideas to all over the world through us.


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